About Khambhisar
- Taluka - Modasa
- District - Arvalli
- State - Gujarat
- PIN - 383276
Khambhisar has population of around 2500 which includes various cast such as Patel, Suthar, Darji, Brahmin,Prajapati, Panchal, Thakor , Rathod.
Khambhisar is 15 KM away from its taluka city Modasa. Khambhisar is center for doing survey of land for the whole district.
It has Anganwadi(KG) ,Primary(1-8) and Secondary school(9-10). Secondary school is named after one of the greatest saint Mahant Shree GangaNath.
People are working professionals such as Doctors, Engineers , Teachers ,Professors. Most of the population is doing their inhirited business farming. Some people are having their own industries in Industrial capital of gujarat - Ahmedabad.